
Youth participants take classes in the performing arts and learn about the key areas of drama, music, dance, and technical theatre. Participants will be actively involved in all aspects of the theatre and will take a primary role in the preparation of the culminating production. Participants will study the various types of drama and methods to present believable and acceptable productions. the program requires dedicated and serious participants who have a sincere desire to study theatre and perform.
To all Parents/ Guardians:
The lack of full participation and the lack of a cull commitment will take away from successful performances It is very important to discuss with your child/ children the importance of a serious commitment toward this artistic endeavor. We believe that each and every participant is blessed with talents that just need to be developed. The Arena Players Youtheatre has developed many young people who have gone on to perform all over the world.
Our Youththeater program has three units: Fall, Summer, and Spring
Classes are available for those 4.5 to 18 years old:
Little People’s Theatre—4.5 to 8 years old
Intermediate Theatre—9 to 12 years old
The Youtheatre—13 to 18 years old
For more information on Application Fees, Tuition, and Availability please contact:

Studio 801 is Arena Players’ training and community outreach program. It consists of adult classes for those who have a desire to perform. Established to enhance the Arena Players’ unique style and to extend creative arts training and resources to the general public. Directing, acting, stage management, and technical classes are offered. Registration for Fall Session starts September 7, 2016
Studio 801 Instructors:
Donald Owens, Founding Director of Studio 801/ Acting Instructor/ Resident Director
The Act of Becoming the Character
Cost $175.00 for unit of 8 classes
Email: ArenaPlayersInc@gmail.com
David D. Mitchell, Producer/ Acting Instructor/ Resident Director
Advanced Scene Study - (Rolling)
Cost $175.00 for unit of 8 classes
Method Acting/ Meisner/ Voice for the Actor.
Email: ArenaPlayersInc@gmail.com
ALL AUDITIONS are held at the Arena Playhouse.
All rehearsals and performances are at the Arena Playhouse.
801 McCulloh Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Stage crew, Directors, Sound Technicians, Light Technicians also needed.
Forward all Questions to: Donald Owens at arenaplayersinc@gmail.com
See you at the Playhouse!